

We Educate

● About the dangers of human trafficking and the numbers of people whose lives are affected.● The goal of the perpetrator… how cunning they are and it’s not the victim’s fault.            

We Empower

● Help victims of human trafficking realize what has really happened to them.● Tap into of all the possibilities of a great life after human trafficking.● Addressing their pain while reassuring them that what has happened to them does not have to define their future.

We Encourage

● Let victims know that they can have a new “normal life.”● They are worthy enough.● The shame and guilt is not theirs, but that of the perpetrator.● When survivors find their VOICE they will “Break Every Chain”.


1. What do you do after HT?
c. Assist with helping survivors find their voice through the Arts-Writing, Monologues, Stage Play, Painting, etc.
d. Provide warriors with ideas, options, and resources to assist in their “new normal.” This could include school, trades, entrepreneurship, etc. Grants, loans, sponsorships to help pursue their goals.
e. Wrap around services to cover the holistic need of the warrior. Therapy, housing, training referrals, groups and other agencies which can assist them with their needs.
2. Provide support for families of missing human trafficking victims.
a. Resources to assist families: when to file a report, how to get assistance, resources to assist, what has really happened to their loved one, media attention.
b. Follow up with the progress regarding how the case is going.
c. What to expect during the process and once their loved one returns home.
3. Peer Support group for HT warriors. Teaching them how to teach and provide support to others.
4. Address the issues surrounding being a survivor.
a. What, when, and who to disclose information to so they are not re-victimized.
b. What this means in the healing journey and what to expect from people once their story is out.
c. How to cope/handle the judgment that may come.
5. Workshops for teens going off to college. We can address all the issues parents feel uncomfortable talking about.
a. Safety, self-defense, safer sex, negotiations, roommates and safety, what departments can provide appropriate assistance on campus, being away from home safely, it’s ok if you’re not ready to leave home, peer pressure on campus and how this can be dangerous.
b. Safety packets from agencies and sponsors.
6. Workshops and training for employers to provide the survivors with opportunities to be an asset to their company.